The seven messianic covenants and their themes are: The Adamic Covenant (New Beginning after the Fall), Noahic Covenant (Cleansing - [through the Flood]), Abrahamic Covenant (Consecrated Firstfruits of the righteous line of the Messiah), Levitic Covenant (Consecrated/Sanctified Priestly Power), Mosaic Covenant (Repentance under the law), Davidic Covenant (Judgment by Righteous King), and the New Covenant (The Presence of God in Christ and the Holy Spirit.) These themes are the benchmarks of God’s salvation plan. They are found not only in the seven messianic covenants, but elsewhere in Scripture as well. They provide the themes for the seven temple furnishings, as well as the feasts and sacrifices of Old Covenant worship. These same themes can be found in the underlying structure of the book of Revelation, enabling the reader to view Christ’s revelation to John from a perspective that opens our understanding of John’s Apocalypse. (See Revelation 2.0 Commentary)
The tables below present the messianic covenants and the elements that define them. In the instances where these elements are not specifically stated as such in Scripture, they can be inferred from the context of the verses provided.
Revelation of God
Progressive revelation of God to man
Man’s duty to further God’s salvation plan
Obedience required of man by God
Judgment for violation of covenant law
Conditional or unconditional blessing for keeping covenant
Visible object or event that covenant exists
Identifies the person with whom the covenant was made
Revelation of God
Commission to fulfill
Law(s) for man to keep
Consequence of disobedience
Reward/promise of covenant
Sign of the covenant
Verse mentioned
Creator, Father of mankind
Populate and rule over earth
Do not eat fruit of knowledge of good & evil
Promise of Redeemer
Gen 1:27 Luke 3:38
Gen 1:28
Gen 2:16-17
Gen 2:17
Gen 3:15
Gen 2:3
Hos 6:7
Revelation of God
Commission to fulfill
Law(s) for man to keep
Consequence of disobedience
Reward/promise of covenant
Sign of the covenant
Verse mentioned
Righteous Judge over his Creation
Replenish and repopulate the earth
Do not shed man’s lifeblood
Judgment: A life for a life
Never again destroy earth with water
Rainbow in the clouds
Gen 6:6-13
Gen 8:17, 9:1
Gen 9:5
Gen 9:6
Gen 9:11,15
Gen 9:13,16
Gen 6:18, 9:8-10
Revelation of God
Commission to fulfill
Law(s) for man to keep
Consequence of disobedience
Reward/promise of covenant
Sign of the covenant
Verse mentioned
Personal Defender (friend), Great Reward
Live in the land, walk in God’s presence
Circumcise every male
Excommunication from tribe
Everlasting possession of land to descendents
Gen 15:1 Jas 2:23
Gen 12:1, 13:14-17, 17:1
Gen 17:10
Gen 17:14
Gen 17:8
Gen 17:11 Rom 4:11
Gen 15:18, 17:2
Revelation of God
Commission to fulfill
Law(s) for man to keep
Consequence of disobedience
Reward/promise of covenant
Sign of the covenant
Verse mentioned
Holy, Lord of (heavenly) Hosts
Walk in holy awe and reverence towards God
Discern holiness, teach God’s laws
Humiliation and contempt; death
Priests: all offerings to the Lord; Levites: tithes
Consecrated to God
Lev 21:8 Mal 2:7 (KJV)
Mal 2:5 Lev 21 Lev 22
Lev 10:10
Mal 2:9 Lev 22:9
Num 18: 8-24
Exod 28:41 Num 8:5-19
Mal 2:4-6 Jer 33:21
Revelation of God
Commission to fulfill
Law(s) for man to keep
Consequence of disobedience
Reward/promise of covenant
Sign of the covenant
Verse mentioned
Holy, God of Abraham, Lord of all the earth
Be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation
Fear, love, serve and obey the Lord
Hunger, disease, sword, captivity, ruin
Plenty, safety, peace, victory, God’s Presence
The Holy Sabbath
Lev 20:7-8 Exod 3:15, 19:5
Exod 19:6
Deut 10:12-13
Lev 26:14-39
Lev 26:3-12
Exod 31:13, 17
Exod 24:4-8
Revelation of God
Commission to fulfill
Law(s) for man to keep
Consequence of disobedience
Reward/promise of covenant
Sign of the covenant
Verse mentioned
Father of the King
Maintain justice and righteousness
Walk in God’s ways, keep his commandments
Punishment inflicted by men
Throne and royal line established forever
The temple
2Sam 7:14 Ps. 2 Ps 89
2Sam 23:3 KJV, 1Kgs 10:9
1Kgs 2:3
2Sam 7:14
2Sam 7:16 Ps 89:4
2Sam 7:11-13
2Chr 13:5, 21:7 Ps 89:3, 28
Revelation of God
Commission to fulfill
Law(s) for man to keep
Consequence of disobedience
Reward/promise of covenant
Sign/Seal of the covenant
Verse mentioned
Holy Father of all who believe in Christ
Be and make disciples
Keep Jesus’ commands, love one another
Correction, punishment
Eternal life, heavenly inheritance
Baptism/Holy Spirit
1Pet 1:15-17 Jn 14:6, 20:17
Mt 28:18-20
Jn 15:9-17
Heb 12:5-10
Jn 3:16 1Pet 1:3-4
Rom 6:3-7 Eph 1:13-14
Luke 22:20 Heb 9:15
Copyright 2011
Did you know That...
the Lord’s Prayer is based on the elements of the New Covenant? When we pray as Our Lord taught us, we are affirming our covenant relationship with the Father, asking for his spiritual and physical provision, and affirming our responsibility to do God’s will.